Orders placed on our website will be delivered within 48 hours and directly to the delivery address specified by the User. Deliveries are performed either by our delivery service or by a delivery partner depending on the delivery location. Goods will be delivered to the front door of private residences (as far as accessible) and the reception desk of business Users.
Orders can be canceled within 24 hours if your order still has not been shipped yet. Simply contact us as soon as possible by emailing or reaching us on WhatsApp at +971 50 245 7927.
Due to all our products being consumable, we do not accept returns or exchanges unless there is a defect in the product, or you have received the wrong order. Under these circumstances, you have a maximum of a 7-day notice period to return a product after receiving your order. Contact us by emailing or simply reaching us on WhatsApp at +971 50 245 7927 and we will guide you through the rest of the process. Items should be returned in their original conditions including packaging. Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned shipments if the product has been used or tampered with.
Once we receive your returned shipment, we will thoroughly examine the products for approval and will notify you immediately of the status of your refund. In case of cancellation, we will immediately initiate the refund process. Please note that we will only be able to refund you by your original mode of payment. Please allow for up to 14 days for the completion of the refund transfer.